Thursday, June 23, 2011

If you google “Bulletin Board Ideas,” you will be inundated with elementary school bulletin boards... I took matters into my own hands and created my own style. I wanted to add some pizzazz to my wall without breaking the bank, so I picked up a pack of four 12x12 corkboards from Walmart at a cost of about $10, then I created a collage on each of them using old magazines from piles that have built up around me. If you don’t have any mags to work with, ask everyone around for extras they might donate to you. People usually don’t keep magazines around on purpose (I try and give them to people who haven’t read them yet because it’s my form of recycling) and the newspaper can be a great source as well. Here are the pictures of each board I made. My apologies for the sub par photo quality, they were taken with a cell phone camera.

Personally, I find arts & crafts projects to be fun and stress relieving, however I ran into a stressful situation with the glue. A glue stick would not make the paper stick to the board, so I had to use Elmer’s white glue since it was all I had on hand.

While shopping, I actually wondered whether or not a regular glue stick would work, so I picked up “Elmer’s Xtreme School Glue Stick” which does in fact look extreme. Lies. Maybe rubber cement works well? Glue suggestions are welcome.

Anyway, as a result of the glue malfunction some of my pages have those irritating wrinkles, but I was relieved when I discovered that they do not take away from the overall look of the project. I haven’t decided if I’m going to actually tack things onto the boards because I ended up including some bits and pieces that I would like to see everyday. You know, important things like a recipe for a champagne cocktail and daily yoga sun salutation positions.

Cost of project

Boards: $10

Glue: (fail “Xtreme” glue $2, but regular white glue runs about $1)

Scissors: owned these already

Magazines: owned these already

Total: $12

Craftily yours,


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