Thursday, July 7, 2011

DIY: Bumble & Bumble Surf Spray!

Beach sprays have become a blessing for girls with fine and texture-less hair. They provide loads of volume and texture without being sticky. They pretty much give you that awesome texture just after swimming in the ocean and laying out on the beach to dry! I've discovered (through a little detective research) that many of these sprays are just salt-water with a few additives to hold your hair. The most popular (and RAVED about) beach spray being, Bumble & Bumble's Surf Spray. This product retails $23.00 at Sephora ! ((what?!)) FOR SALT WATER?! Keep on reading, because I am going to teach you how to make your hair beachy fabulous for just pennys! <3

You will need:
  • Spray bottle
  • Water-based/soluble hair gel (water should be one of the first ingredients on the package)
  • Sea Salt or Epsom salt
  • Warm water

Step 1: Pour a few tablespoons of hair gel in an empty spray bottle (the more hair gel you use, the more hold it will give you!).

Step 2: Pour a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. I find that the more "finely" ground sea salt dissolves easier and doesn't get clogged in your spray bottle.

Step 3: Finally, fill the spray bottle up with warm tap water. Shake well and voila! Instant surf spray! Take that Bumble & Bumble!

**My measurements are not exact, because I just tried this out tonight. Just experiment with the ingredients and see what works for you!

SO LADIES, what have we learned today? There's no need to be coughing up our pretty pennys. Some research and a little creativity can save you loads, and make you look and feel FAB-U-LOUS!

Test this out and let me know how it works for you!

xx Jeans

P.S. - If you are using styling products everyday, wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo at least once a week. These products leave build-up, making your hair dull and lifeless.


  1. I must say that as an owner of the B&B surf spray, I love it because it smells nice and there are other ingredients in it too! It does dry your hair out, which i would assume this remedy does as well, so I would suggest using a heavy conditioner or a leave in protectant like the herbal essences leave in protectant creme. Once i run out of my surf spray i will most definitely give this technique a try!! excited!!


  2. I tried it yesterday and it worked!!! <3 it!
