Thursday, June 23, 2011

Top 10 PROFESSIONAL YouTube Beauty Gurus!

I’ve been a YouTube fanatic quiet sometime. For the past couple of years, I’ve seen many YouTube beauty gurus rise to fame, many of whom have NO professional training experience, but nonetheless provide the viewer with some good tips. I’ve decided to put a guide together for YouTube beauty newbies on my Top 10 favorite PROFESSIONAL beauty gurus who I think take the cake!

1. Lisa Eldridge (Lisaeldridgedotcom): This woman is beyond profesh! Between her runway fashion shows, her stints with Vogue UK and Chanel, she brings her viewers along for the ride. She shows us easy but effective techniques, while teaching us her philosophy on make-up.

2. Samantha & Nicola Chapman (Pixiwoo): These sisters are a force to be reckoned with! They show beautiful celeb styles, runway couture looks and have the inside scoop on the beauty industry. Their make-up is always flawless and beautiful!

3. Wayne Goss (GossMakeupArtist): A no nonsense make-up artist, he shows us the proper way to apply make-up and make it last! I like him because he is honest. I must admit its sometimes weird seeing a straight guy apply a smokey eye!

4. Kandee Johnson (KandeeJohnson): A fun and bubbly celeb make-up artist who shows you how to achieve the latest trends in everything beauty on a budget. Her personal style reflects her sparkling personality and she offers great DIY fashion tutorials!

5. Tanya Burr (Pixi2woo): Very relatable make-up artist who does weekly comparisons on the best brands and shows us how to achieve runway looks at high-street (drugstore) prices. She also features her best friend Kate as they do girls night out or girls night in tutorials!

6. Dr. Neal Shultz (DermTVdotcom): Any skin issue, this man has it COVERED! A trusted dermatologist, he explains the how, what and why of any skin issue.

7. Michelle Phan (MichellePhan): Revered in the YouTube community, she is most famous for her simple and clear make-up advice and beauty tips. She is also starting to collaborate with clothing and hair stylists making her channel the ultimate go-to!

8. Julia (MissChievous): A true artist, Julia is down to earth and creates beautiful make-up designs. Some of my favorite are her Halloween tutorials. She also give honest and FULL reviews!

9. Joshua (Petrilude): Known best for his theatrical and drag make-up (great for Halloween looks) this guy is self-taught but is more qualified than most professionally trained make-up artists.

10. Marlena (MakeupGeekTV): gives great overall beauty advice and creates beautiful eye looks. She gives great health and beauty tips!

Runner-up: Jim Chapman (J1mmyb0bba): Brother of the Pixiwoo sisters and girlfriend of Pixi2woo. I can’t really put him on the top 10 (even though I watch his channel religiously), because he isn’t really a professional. And well, he doesn’t quite make the cut as a “fancy girl.” On his channel he vlogs about life, love and other “manly stuff.” He has great hair and skincare advice for men and he is obviously not bad on the eyes!

I hope you will check out some of these amazing gurus! Thanks gals!

xx Jeans

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