Friday, July 1, 2011

A Fancy Girl's Guide to Short Hair [Wonderful guest post by fellow fancy girl Bailey T.]

Short shorts, short skirts and now short hair is in this summer. Everyone is doing it. Emma Watson (good grief how amazing does she look?), Katie Holmes, Rihanna, Carey Mulligan (OBSESSED) and new to the pixie bandwagon is Evan Rachel Wood. Oh, almost forgot, and littleole me.

I have what you would call the 6 Month Itch. I can’t staywith a hairstyle or color for more than a few months. I have had my hair super long to now extremely short, blond, brunette and everything in between. Of course now the problem is that when I have a hair meltdown (which is often) it turns into a serious debacle in my head. I can’t just rely on the fact that it will grow back because let’s get real here…it takes at least 2 years to come back from a massacre of the shears.

Now, I have had my moments where I am utterly in love with my hair. I’ve been told I look like Twiggy (late 1960s British teenage model) and sometimes Audrey Hepburn. These comparisons are nothing to scoff at. It’s ridiculous to really ever match up to those goddesses, but it makes the drastic change worth it...sometimes.

Let it be known that I did not take this lightly. I used the best (seriously the BEST) website where you give yourself a virtual makeover with celebrity hairstyles, makeup and accessories. It’s fabulous. I chose Ginnifer Goodwin’s cropped locks as the style winner, printed out the picture of me and put it on my mirror for about a month. I convinced myself that now was the time to do it. “I’m 22 damn it. Why NOT?!” Well me from 2 months ago, I will tell you why not. You will eitherbe referred to as Bieber or Sir for the remainder of your short lived, short hair experience. You will have to deal with these awkward responses and the glaring eye assumptions that you are in fact a lesbian. If I actually liked my hair on a daily basis, I would have no problem embracing these backhanded remarks and respond with an imaginary hair flip. Sadly, I can’t muster the strength to stand up for what I just did to my poor head.

So, since I keep feeling down in the dumps, I look for ways to cheer me up while I begin the tedious process of growing out my hair. I found this blog (WARNING: swear word quickly approaching!!!!) It completely celebrates women with short hair; famous to your everyday ladies, all are appreciated. Each picture is unique whether they are quirky, cute, sexy, raunchy and sometimes nude (artfully done however). It makes me feel like I am a part of some amazing group and eases the pain of the scientific growth study “half an inch a month.”

Also, I am yielding some awesome hair products to help me not make so many trips to the hairdresser:


Nexxus ProMend Split End Binding Targeted Leave-In Crème

Walmart: $11

It binds 92% of split ends every time you use it. Ahhhmazing.


WEN Hair Care

I tried this one stop hair cleanser almost a year ago. I kept coming back to it because it is a shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner and leave-in conditioner all in one. It doesn’t have any harsh chemicals and always leaves my hair feeling soft and well…conditioned.

30 Day Supply- $29.95

(It seems expensive but if you don’t like it you get a FULL refund and it comes with other styling products)

Also, the bottles are HUGE. I only did a 90 Day Supply and stopped getting the product last July. I still have 4 bottles of the stuff left!



Color coordinate AND cover up bed head? Yes please.

And finally something I can’t buy….

4. Patience

Ugh….last for a reason.

All in all, what I’ve really learned from this experience is that what counts is how you feel about your hair. You can choose to embrace it or disgrace it. Being young and fabulous means you can do what you want. I choose to be the biggest flip flopper ever and sometimes it bites me in the ass. But hey! Hair does grow back. Just don’t be an eager beaver. Take your time. Think about it. If it makes you happy, then people around you will feel the same. As for me, I’m about to throw on a pantsuit and work the Bieber flip.

Sheared and Sophisticated,

Bailey T.

Images via Google Images

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, but I love your hair even more!!! xx J
